who had the option to “work from anywhere" utilized this opportunity Remote work is here for the long term

Today, the global pandemic has transformed working remotely from an acceptable option to the new normal. Now that most businesses are past the point of reaction (when they were having to rapidly adapt their workforce to work remotely), it’s time to begin thinking about what a long-term remote work strategy looks like.

We will see an end to the Covid-19 pandemic, but the new normal of remote work is here to stay. As your organization creates its remote work security plans for the future, embrace zero trust fundamentals and adopt technology that will empower your employees to do their best work securely no matter where they are. 

  1. Sustaining critical business processes 
  2. Ensuring security and compliance 
  3. Providing IT with visibility and control

By building a remote work culture that aligns across leadership, has clear guidelines for workers, and increases resiliency across your organization, you can help your employees thrive no matter where they work.

This means they know what hours they need to be accessible, which remote work tools they need to use, and how to share files securely across home networks. By setting and sharing the same remote work guidelines for everyone, you can better manage expectations and minimize friction between employees in your offices and those off-site.

To implement zero trust for your remote workforce, you need a combination of secure processes and security technology. 

  • First, you should require multi-factor authentication to access any company data or applications.
  • Second, it’s also helpful to adopt a single sign-on(SSO) solution so remote workers can use multi-factor authentication to sign on once then access all their apps and data inside a secure workspace. 
  • Finally, you should also adopt user behavior analytics that leverage AI and machine learning to flag suspicious behavior. This helps you identity a bad actor on your network before they breach your sensitive data. By adopting a zero-trust approach, you can reduce risk and improve security without hurting your remote work experience.

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