LastPass By LogMe In | Bounce Back Technologies

LastPass has analyzed over 47,000 businesses to bring you insights into security behavior worldwide. The takeaway is clear: Many businesses are making significant strides in some areas of password and access security – but there is still a lot of work to be done. The use of important security measures like multifactor authentication is up, but the continued reality of poor password hygiene still hampers many businesses’ abilities to achieve high standards of security.

LastPass By LogMe In

Auto-pilot for all your passwords

LastPass removes obstacles, letting you get back to the things you love most.

Log in and go

Once you save a password in LastPass, you'll always have it when you need it; logging in is fast and easy.

Simplify online shopping

When you're ready to make a purchase, your profile will fill in all your payment and shipping details for you.

Generate strong passwords

The built-in password generator creates long, randomized passwords that protect against hacking.

Store digital records

Insurance cards, memberships, Wi-Fi passwords... keep all your notes safe and easy to find.

Share effortlessly

Some things shouldn't be sent in a text. Conveniently and safely share passwords and notes with anyone.

Dark web monitoring

Stop worrying about data breaches. Get alerts if your personal information is at risk. 

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Call Us: +971 - 55 - 8994399

